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Grace Cross

Grace is rather tall and curvaceous and pale, with freckles across the bridge of her nose and the tops of her shoulders. Her face is serious most of the time, even sad, but her smile is like the sun breaking …

Korean Shamanism

A page parent for explorations of Korean shamanism as it relates to Principle of Moments.
One notable and suggestive idea, drawn from Covell, who is writing in 1986 and may not be reliable, is that Korean shamanism has its earliest …

update on structure

Just commenting here that I’ve rearranged the trio’s pages nested under “A Rather Baroque Trio” into the back story, and added one new page from our Googledocs work (which I love!) to that bunch.

Just as an FYI(mostly for Stella_Omega) …

time signatures

Kiya and I are working on a segment involving the General and Kiya’s former character X, enroute to Pen’s. It raises the interesting question of where–or rather when–Kiya’s former characters X and Y come from.

It’s a largish can of …

“Keep her busy” rewrite

It was a rough sketch, and we’ve filled in the lines and cross-hatching some.
It’sin the “Beguine” section, so you know there’s a little smex going on there……

Even more…

Just put up what I hope is not a jumbled mess. This is what I get when I can’t sleep. I tried to get it to read almost as a to-do list. Everyone is too busy for dialog. And I …

Backstory Fun

Slapped another bit up into the Backstory section. It’s called Welcome to the Rest of Your Life, and it’s a bit weird. It was done as a writing experiment in a class I took…two years ago, maybe? A year …

shifting parts & tweaking

I did some early story tweaking,taking some of my early bits and shifting them so it’s more like emails Emma’s sent from work. She has a new buddy named teslamomma (all I know is the woman does costuming and has …

More Grace

Some Grace backstory has been posted in the Backstory Section.
On a completely unrelated note, some comments seem to be caught in the spam filter, and I can’t extricate them.…

displaying the architecture

Perhaps it’s just my browser, but I notice that all the Pages are now visible. This makes it hard to see what’s what, in my opinion. I really liked that you could unpack the Parent Pages (The Story, The Map, …